Loyalty may be marketing's Holy Grail, but the rules are changing in the digital age. So you just might

want to hold that tweet and lighten up on the hashtags.

That was the take-away from Wharton's recent marketing

conference, "Building Loyal Customers in the Information Age." While marketers have more data than ever, the truth is that customer loyalty is declining according to Chris Malone, managing partner at Fidelum Partners, a global marketing firm.

Michael Wilhite, senior vice president of insight analytics for a strategy consulting firm pointed out that

far too many companies are approaching digital marketing from the wrong perspective.

It's not about the numbers. It's about engagement, authenticity, trust and building a personal

connection with your customers and prospects. It's about relationships and making people love you – and for hotel marketers, love your hotel.

Marketing used to be about personal face-to-face communication, building empathy with customers.

And it still is – even in the digital world. Hoteliers do that instinctively while the guest is on property. But what happens before a traveler arrives at your property and what happens after they leave? Does the same personal warmth and hospitality you provide during a guests stay extend through all your communications?

Unfortunately, in far too many cases it does not. Tweeting for tweets sake won't build your brand or

help create loyal customers.

To increase customer loyalty, stop worrying about the social media numbers and start concentrating

on providing authentic, trustworthy, engaging content and treating customers as individuals — not just a number.

Trust me, it will pay off.

What's your social media strategy?

About MP&A Digital & Advertising

MP&A Digital & Advertising helps independent luxury hotels drive more profitable, direct (non-commissionable) revenue. Using its unique integrated Customer Relationship Marketing (iCRM) approach the agency employs sophisticated database marketing disciplines designed to attract, retain and create more loyal customers. Principals with more than 60 years of collective experience at some of the world's largest advertising and direct marketing companies lead the agency's team of marketing, creative, public relations, website, SEO and social media professionals. Celebrating its 25th anniversary in 2015, the agency relocated from New York to Williamsburg in 2006. For more information, visit MadiganPratt.com.

Madigan Pratt

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