7 Website Design Tips to Enhance User Experience — Photo by Vizergy

1. Simple Navigation

Website visitors should be able to navigate easily throughout the site using the top navigation bar. Not all website pages need to be featured on the top. A best practice for navigation bars is to only feature most visited pages and nesting the less-visited pages.

2. Functional Animations with a Purpose

Everyone has visited a website that had entirely too much going on. Don't be that site.

A property's website is often the first impression before their stay. Hotel websites should emulate a clean, high-end feel - just as they should maintain a clean, high-end feel throughout a customer's stay.

A great trend to implement on-site pages are small, user-initiated animations to make a page fresh, interactive and vibrant. Use high-quality animations that help tell your property's story.

3. Cut Down the Clutter

Don't over-crowd a homepage with text and unnecessary graphics. Keep the homepage content concise, with only necessary information.

4. Create a Narrative through Photos & Videos

Help visitors' picture what it's like to spend a day at your hotel. Use high quality photos and videos to guide visitors on a tour of the property and featured amenities to incentivize them to book direct.

The better the hotel is showcased on the website; the more excited visitors will feel about clicking the book button.

5. Give Hotel/Brand Personality

More young demographics are looking for an experience when booking a stay at a hotel. Tell the hotel's story using some pizzazz to show personality and set the hotel apart from competing, cookie-cutter hotels.

6. Personalization

Leverage available customer data from email lists and check-in data to display relevant messages to the most relevant customer.

Personalization aspects help guide users through the website, making it easier to use overall.

7. Show Differentiation from Competition

What sets this hotel apart? Why is it better than competing hotels in the area?

Showcase what makes the property unique, using above techniques to appeal to site visitors and convincing them there's no better place to stay.

Interested in other design related content?

Click here to see how Vizergy's design team designed and launched Pine Barn Inn's new website with mobile in mind.

About Vizergy® 

For more than 20 years, Vizergy has served the hospitality industry with leading marketing technologies, knowledgeable talent and exceptional service for clients worldwide. The company deploys complete travel life-cycle marketing solutions from conversion-optimized website design to award-winning digital marketing programs, reservation solutions, media planning and execution. Vizergy's platform is touted as the #1 digital marketing system – easy to use, turnkey and SMART, and continually enhanced with tools to help hotels compete and maximize revenue. At Vizergy, hospitality marketing is not only our mission, it's our sole focus.

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