Artificial intelligence is rapidly moving from the laboratory and into business and consumer applications. The result is a fundamental shift in how software is built, and what it's capable of doing. And while we're still a way off from the artificial general intelligence portrayed in the movies, artificial narrow intelligence is a reality that's already powering some of the most successful technology businesses today, including Amazon, Facebook, Google and Apple.

So… Which areas of the hospitality industry are and will be most suited to implement AI and why? What's your take?

Jon Davis
Jon Davis
CTO at Village Hotel Club

AI is a very exciting topic with many seeing it as the most impactful emerging technology. I think the most exciting use of the technology will be in the improved efficiency and success of forecasting. Being able to draw from data of both internal and external sources will allow us to paint a more accurate picture of how changes in the environment impact the business. Taking over some of the more data driven tasks will allow our experts to focus on the application of the forecast and changes that will have positive impacts on the business. 

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