(IT Professionals Perspective) Some hoteliers are rightfully disoriented in the current myriad of hospitality technology vendors and solutions and are dreaming of a one-stop-shop tech solution that will cover all of their PMS, RMS, CRS, Channel Manager, CRM, CMS and DMS needs. The question is, 1) is the one-stop solution already here?, 2) Will a future one-stop-shop solution be viable enough vs the current multitude of specialist hotel technology vendors... or 3) Will we never see such a solution.... and why? (also have a look at Digital Marketeers Perspectives on this topic)

All-in-one and one-stop solutions are the future . Best of breed is dead !! Hospitality technology is changing from transaction oriented solutions gathering silos of information to seamless guest centric solutions. Eliminating the friction and increasing the guest touch points are the key. If airlines provide self check-in and pre check-in facilities, it's only natural that the guest is looking for that seamless check-in process at hotels too. We can see that futuristic solutions have these functions already as part of the PMS . Same is the case for in-room touch points . The futuristic PMS will have in- room solutions like guest requests, in-room dining solutions and check-out functions as modules . Feedback and CRM functions will also be a given as part of the extended PMS or as what we call the platform now. With multi property cloud solutions CRS is already merging into the traditional PMS .

I strongly believe that one-stop solutions are the future and the high growth emerging markets are a testament to this technology adoption. One-stop solutions are more than viable , they provide great value, seamless data and eliminate friction for the future thinking Hotel technologists !!

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