Nothing divides revenue managers more than the discussion around artificial intelligence and machine learning. The two schools of thought fall into the category of technophobics and technophiles, with AI-enthusiasts on one side and Luddites on the other. As usual, in medio stat virtus, so it's time to ask the right questions about the use of AI, ML, BI, blockchain, advanced analytics, etc. in our industry. What, if any, technology(ies) can facilitate the work of revenue managers? And will revenue management as we know it disappear with the rise of AI?

Diego Fernandez Perez De Ponga
Diego Fernandez Perez De Ponga
Corporate Director Revenue Management Palladium Hotel Group

Be technophiles or not to be, that is the question

I think in the XXI speaks about being technophobic is not real, but being honest, probably in our industry, we have a lot of people who are like that , who are technophobics and this is something what is slowing our industry in terms of innovation.

We are in a lot of ways of thinking a traditional industry based on the human contact so the automation , the AI paradigms, blockchain and son on are concepts where we (like an industry) are not comfortable.

Revenue Managers (together with the IT department) are in some way the most sophisticated department in terms of the use of technology because we are surrounded by that, and in some cases like the RMS we use very sophisticated technology, so we need to lead in some cases this path of innovation.

All technology is able to add value to our work if we follow some simple points:

  • Easy to use: this is the most important part, we need to have technology that every single user could afford their use
  • Do it yourself: Technology needs to be 100% personalized by users 

Democratized: Technology needs to lower their price in order to be used by a massive number of properties, there is a lack of use due the cost of the hospitalityAnd will revenue management as we know it disappear with the rise of AI? 

Yeah of course ... and the key is the term "as we know" ... in the following 5 years the revenue manager task and duties will change dramatically and turn into a more strategic role eliminating all the repetitive task and some of the basic tactics we face daily.

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