English author Douglas Adams, famous for The Hitchhiker's Guide to the Galaxy (and contributing to a Monty Python's Flying Circus sketch), was a technology enthusiast. In a (very contemporary, even to this day) essay titled "How to Stop Worrying and Learn to Love the Internet," published in The Sunday Times in 1999, Adams proposed rules for our relationship with technology. According to him, anything that exists when you're born is normal, anything invented between the ages of 15 and 35 is exciting and innovative, and anything invented after 35 is unnatural.

In our industry, the average age of a hotel general manager is 44 years old, so, for most of us, new technologies often seem unnatural. However, it's crucial to maintain an open mindset regarding tech, as we never know who will be the VHS or the Betamax of hospitality...

What is your prediction?

Michael Toedt
Michael Toedt
CEO and Founder, dailypoint

The revolution which is on its way is the replacement of the PMS as the central element of the hotel IT stack. To leverage from Big Data or AI (the 4th and 5th step of the industrial revolution), hotels need a place with clean, accessable data. A Central Data Management (CDM) platform is the logical successor of the PMS for an intelligent data driven management. 

Hotel companies, especially the market leaders are not data driven, what we all can see on their stock prices. Companies like booking.com have placed the guest/consumer/booker in the middle of their IT strategie and there, everything links together. 

Hotels instead have focused over decades on the PMS (manage inventory) or CRS (manage distribution). The holy grail though is to manage the guest. In order to do so deep guest insights must be available centrally in a CDM from where all connected systems (PMS, CRS, CRO, POS, ...) can use the information to generate a better outcome.

In our modern world the PMS lost its postion. Hotels have to focus on the guest again and in order to do so they have to regain controll of their data assets.

Who will be the successor of the PMS to finaly help hotels to become guest centric?

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