From the days of holidex, Fidelio v6 and Micros 2700 we have for the last 30 years been adding technology upon technology in hospitality. In my last classes with my students (online), one reoccurring question was always, "why is there not one solution that can do everything". Once we discussed this more (language requirements, local fiscal reporting, support, etc…), the students got the complexity of using software and systems to run businesses. But moving forward, future managers are going to want their hospitality software to behave more like WhatsApp, Instagram or Snapchat. Download, install and work. No training or massive configuration to be done. So, where does this leave the hospitality industry? Do we keep on going with our "Lego" approach or do we need to say hold on, that's enough? Let's restart from scratch and what would that look like and how could we conceivably even do that.

Simone Puorto
Simone Puorto
Founder | CEO | Futurist

This is one of the focal questions in hospitality: will we ever be able to become a plug-and-play industry? The short answer is no, we won't, at least not in the near future. There are several reasons for that: first of all, most hotel software are way more complicated than the ordinary apps we install on our phones daily. The level of complexity in, let's say, a PMS is exponential when compared to a messaging app. Secondly, there's the issue of integrations with third parties. When it comes to API, at least in my opinion, quality should always override quantity, yet it's not unfrequent that vendors claiming to be "open" offer poor integrations.

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