Nothing divides revenue managers more than the discussion around artificial intelligence and machine learning. The two schools of thought fall into the category of technophobics and technophiles, with AI-enthusiasts on one side and Luddites on the other. As usual, in medio stat virtus, so it's time to ask the right questions about the use of AI, ML, BI, blockchain, advanced analytics, etc. in our industry. What, if any, technology(ies) can facilitate the work of revenue managers? And will revenue management as we know it disappear with the rise of AI?

Of course Revenue Management "as we know it" will disappear - regardless of AI or not. Its called evolution! 

The shift we need is to move towards #humancentricRMS - where not the system sits in the middle but the human itself ! and through feedback loops the human will be optimized - ie the user gets better each time they log in (like we do at Infinito). 

Traditional Revenue Systems have always played an interesting game in which users could never win (when they override they were told "don't override", if they don't override they were asked why they didn't if they "knew better" yet same time being told "the system knows better" and have you validated "the algorithm / forecast").

Whilst there will be redundancies through automation, RM will just be evolving and through #humancentricRMS we create more talent and current talent can get better. 

What can revenue managers use now: Optimization means doing better - so any tool that helps you get better - RMS, Excel, News article, BI, Rate Shopping - USE IT! And be mindful: An RMS is NOT the holy grail - it is just one more data point a revenue manager needs to include in decision making - just like BI, Rate Shopping, etc. You got this!

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