According to Bloomberg, over 300 million doses of COVID-19 vaccines have already been administered; President Biden said the U.S. expects to vaccinate every adult by mid-May, and 53.7% of Israelis has received the first dose of the coronavirus vaccine. We are still not out of the woods, but things look brighter than they did just a few months ago. It is likely, therefore, that travel demand will slowly return in 2021, and we're already seeing some destinations with a decent pickup for the summer. With these first signs of hope, it's quite predictable that hotels will fight hard for market share, especially during this unstable year. In this particular situation, how can your hotel stand out from the crowd and stay ahead of the curve?

Max Starkov
Max Starkov
Hospitality & Online Travel Tech Consultant

Due to the pandemic, in 2020 hoteliers slashed their IT and marketing spending by over 50% compared to 2019 (STR, 2021). Due to budget constraints, this year the big question is what can hoteliers do in this environment of weak but growing travel demand and limited resources?  In these difficult times launching elaborate and expensive performance marketing campaigns to acquire new guests is out of the question. Therefore, with your post-crisis marketing strategy, the goal is to achieve maximum returns with minimum budget. Here are some of these strategies and initiatives that will help you achieve that:

  • Distribution Mix: In the post-pandemic world any hotelier should “own” their short-haul and drive-from feeder markets and “delegate” to the intermediaries only the long-haul and foreign feeder markets. You do that by employing solid revenue management practices and RMS technology; enforcing strict rate parity, implementing CRM program and technology to engage and retain your repeat customers, investing in digital marketing initiatives in your short-haul and drive-from feeder markets.
  • Selling on Value: Hoteliers must remember and relearn how to sell on value versus price alone! Be creative: it is not difficult to figure out what customers that have been locked at home for 6 plus months – we have all been there – would love to experience at your property and its surroundings.
  • Repeat Business: Focusing on your past guests and repeat business should become a top priority versus chasing new customers. Past guests and loyalty members are already familiar with the property, it's location and product, the only thing now is to convince them that the property is safe to stay at. Past guests and repeat business will rule the next 24 months!
  • Content marketing: When done well, content marketing is much cheaper than performance marketing. It engages and entices the travel consumer in the Dreaming and Planning Phases and creates ready-to-book customers for the Booking Phase of the digital customer journey.
  • Google My Business Listing: Monitor and respond to reviews. Google has more hotel customer reviews than all of the review and OTA websites combined! GMB directly influences travellers in the Planning Phase and creates powerful word-of-mouth effect in the Sharing Phase.
  • Google Hotel Ads (GHA): Make this metasearch marketing initiative part of your efforts by joining Google's pay-per-stay GHA program. Google launched this program understanding well that a) hoteliers do not have much advertising dollars and b) travel consumers often cancel their hotel reservations due to the volatile COVID-19 situation.

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