According to Bloomberg, over 300 million doses of COVID-19 vaccines have already been administered; President Biden said the U.S. expects to vaccinate every adult by mid-May, and 53.7% of Israelis has received the first dose of the coronavirus vaccine. We are still not out of the woods, but things look brighter than they did just a few months ago. It is likely, therefore, that travel demand will slowly return in 2021, and we're already seeing some destinations with a decent pickup for the summer. With these first signs of hope, it's quite predictable that hotels will fight hard for market share, especially during this unstable year. In this particular situation, how can your hotel stand out from the crowd and stay ahead of the curve?

Sharad Kapur
Sharad Kapur
Revenue & Distribution Strategist

Know Your Customer - Understand changed needs and preferences and expectations of the stay experience. The business traveler will now travel for leisure purposes as part of many different micro segments. Identify. Communicate. Deliver

Future Trends - Keep sight of emerging and developing trends in the future. Gain market intelligence from various resources across multiple dimensions

Dynamic Competitive Sets - Move away from static competitive sets. Measure comparable markets/situations/assets across geographies to gain better understanding of how demand has developed in the recent past

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