OTA penetration fell drastically during COVID-19 as travelers reached out directly to suppliers to allay safety concerns. But, as we return to the new normal, initial indications are that OTAs are regaining their dominant position within travel distribution.

The question is: Is this a certainty, and what can hotels do to retain their newfound market Share?

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Frederic Gonzalo
Frederic Gonzalo
Travel & Hospitality expert. Digital Marketing & Strategy Speaker and Consultant
Daniel Craig
Daniel Craig
Founder & Chief Strategist, Reknown

I believe it is with certainty that OTAs will again built their dominance and more. Covid was like roadworks where travellers didn't travel at all or those who travelled took a detour as the "normal road" was "closed". The market is always right is a sentence often used in trading and it applies here as well. Travellers book where they want to book. Sure, those who had used direct went direct again, however now with 100s of options again open in the market the consumer has not 2 choices anymore but now needs to plough through 100 again. 

Larry Mogelonsky
Larry Mogelonsky
Partner at Hotel Mogel Consulting Ltd.
Tim Peter
Tim Peter
Founder & President, Tim Peter & Associates
Simone Puorto
Simone Puorto
Founder | CEO | Futurist
Max Starkov
Max Starkov
Hospitality & Online Travel Tech Consultant
Linchi Kwok
Linchi Kwok
Professor at The Collins College of Hospitality Management, Cal Poly Pomona
Shiji Group

This World Panel Viewpoint is sponsored by Shiji Group
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