In the rapidly evolving landscape of hospitality revenue management, artificial intelligence (AI) has emerged not just as a tool, but as a potential co-pilot. Where it started out as handling complex data analysis, forecasting, and giving recommendations for the decision-making process, it soon moved to automation and finally contextualization.

As AI technology advances, the hospitality industry must consider how to best integrate these tools with human expertise to enhance both operational efficiency and guest satisfaction. To become a collaborator or a displacer.

This shift prompts an essential question: Will AI soon take the steering wheel in revenue management, signalling the end for human revenue managers?

Vassilis Syropoulos
Vassilis Syropoulos
CEO and Head of Product - JUYO ANALYTICS
Thibault Catala
Thibault Catala
Founder and Managing Director of Catala Consulting
Pablo Torres
Pablo Torres
Director at Teduka
Simone Puorto
Simone Puorto
Founder | CEO | Futurist
Kelly McGuire
Kelly McGuire
Principal Travel & Hospitality, ZS
Klaus  Kohlmayr
Klaus Kohlmayr
Chief Evangelist and Development Officer, IDeaS

Every RM will have a companion!!! here is the deal. Staffing is the new luxury. Owners will check: Human or AI? If human they will ask: Which human? A human that can do AI or USES AI to their advantage. But not just any AI. An AI that works for the human, enhacning their own capabilities - ie replacing their weakneeses as strength and supercharging strength. It will be conversational based...this also means, many RMs will not be standing anymore as those that embrace it, will make it in the long run. .... My advise: You are good at excel, Now get good at AI!

Max Starkov
Max Starkov
Hospitality & Online Travel Tech Consultant
Harald Bindeus
Harald Bindeus
Commercial Leader | Marketing, Revenue Management, Sales |

Related article by Harald Bindeus

Diego Fernandez Perez De Ponga
Diego Fernandez Perez De Ponga
Corporate Director Revenue Management Palladium Hotel Group

On the other hand, I think revenue managers need to be closer to people, much like the commercial departments are. Let me ask you a question: Is anyone considering replacing sales directors with AI? No, and why not? Because AI cannot replace human-to-human interactions. So, if you want to sleep well, please add a strategic layer to your Revenue Manager role and become more sociable.

Related article by Diego Fernandez Perez De Ponga

Niki Van den Broeck
Niki Van den Broeck
Product Manager Parity Insight and Rate Insight

Related article by Niki Van den Broeck

Ira  Vouk
Ira Vouk
Hospitality Technology and Revenue Management consultant
Oleksii Kapichin
Oleksii Kapichin
Revenue Management Expert
James Bishop
James Bishop
Vice President, Ecosystem and Strategic Partnerships, SiteMinder
Jason G. Bryant
Jason G. Bryant
Vice President, Nor1 GTM - Oracle Hospitality
Paul Rantilla
Paul Rantilla
Senior Vice President, CRO - Hospitality Ancillaries, Plusgrade